Doing some musing today on love and homeopathy and getting home from my seaside trip out I see that Mary Aspinwall has written a great blog Addicted to Love? Homeopathy can help. Brilliantly written and well worth a read.
My thoughts were more around the similarities and connections between homeopathy and love. For a start I think most homeopaths have a natural curiosity and love of people, leading them to want to discover more about people and a desire to help in general. The homeopath in the clinic is ideally an unprejeudiced observer - with absolute acceptance and lack of judgement of someone as they are - or to equate this in a relationship sense I suppose unconditional love would be it. We are open to finding out as much as we can about a person to be able to prescribe a remedy to ideally help them move forwards from the place they are 'stuck' in.
There's been a wonderful study from Norway about the personality of homeopaths - have a look here for more information but in brief they find:
'People who work as homeopaths can be described as open to new and different ideas, and as caring, understanding, and altruistic persons. Therefore, there is reason to believe that these dispositions are central in choosing homeopathy as an occupation.'
An ongoing love of learning is a must too! I started studying in 2003, graduated in 2007 and since then have been continually engaged in CPD or courses since then. Currently I'm studying with Jeremy Sherr on his Dynamis course - a 2 1/2 year post graduate couse where I've met some amazing homeopaths and am loving it! Also working with Jackie McTaggart with the Scholten methods and - yes you've got it - loving that too. I study at home, learn so much from clients and know that my natural swot like nature has finally found the perfect vocation!! On both my courses there are new homeopaths to ones who've been practising years and years - all with a genuine love of learning.
Homeopathy can also help with situations around love - from losing love and grieving to struggling to love and open up in the first place. Issues bonding, letting go and anywhere in between are often seen and treated by homeopaths. More on this in Mary's article - link above.
I'm sure there's loads of connections I've not mentioned - these were just a few of my thoughts as we made sand pictures on the beach... usually a love of the natural world in there too...
With love,
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