Monday 13 May 2013

Gwyneth Paltrow and Terrance Stamp... and Gluten

Fresh from reading about how Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't feed her children wheat and gluten based products, I turned to an interview with Terance Stamp and discovered (straight after the paragraph entitled 'I have a strong belief in alternative medicine' - I like him even more!) that Mr Stamp hasn't eaten any dairy or wheat since 1968. 

I feel at the moment as if I may be constantly on about wheat to anyone who'll listen, but the results out there seem amazing.  I saw a young boy in my clinic and having used muscle testing for food intolerances, recommended that he stop eating gluten in foods - having seen him 3 weeks later is doing great, the symptoms that he came with were much better than when I first met with him. 

I've recently read links about gluten and autism, MS, fibromyalgia, dermatitis, high cholesterol, constipation, diarrhoea, chronic cough, nasal congestion (including worse for exercise), one sided body numbness (I've heard this a few times - once from a client of mine who stopped eating gluten and it got better straightaway - and elsewhere online).

Gluten intolerance is different to celiac disease in that celiac disease is an autoimmune dis-ease (the immune system attacks itself) caused by taking in gluten when you are intolerant to it - it is the most severe form of gluten intolerance/gluten sensitivity. It damages the lining of the small intestine (the villi) and compromises the absorption of nutrients. Celiac Disase is a permanent intolerance to gluten   However sensitivity/intolerance can be milder - an intolerance or immune system reaction to the protein in the gluten in grains. Symptoms can be vastly different in differing individuals. 

To find out a little more - the video on the link goes into much more detail and explains more about gluten, where it's found and an introduction to removing gluten from the diet.

I am incorporating food intolerance testing into my work as I believe food has such a big place to play in our health - it's the building blocks of what we're becoming every day.  I'm also looking at developing a starter collection of recipes for early days when removing gluten from the diet for clients should this be part of my recommendations - I'll share some on the blog as and when they're ready... There's so many alternatives now for removing gluten from the diet and much more scope than even a couple of years ago.  For myself it makes sense to steer clear of gluten where possible, using either grains which contain significantly less or avoiding altogether - and I feel more energetic and better all round. 

Do feel free to ask if I can offer any guidance - I'm always happy to help.

Monday 29 April 2013

5,500 dead in a day

Every day, according to the book I've just finished, 5,500 people die of AIDS/HIV in Africa.  I feel far better informed around the politics, economics, functions and everyday face of AIDS having read 28 Stories which details 28 different people's stories of living with or working with AIDS and HIV from around the African continent.  What is apparent time and time again however is the cost to access ARVs for ordinary people.  These drugs are incredibly expensive - even the generic versions which are more widely available - compared to the wages paid to individuals. 

It's interesting to read this book on the back of my awareness around homeopathy and AIDS.  I'm aware of end stages of ARV medication where patients are discharged from hospital as there is nothing else can be done. Effectively sent home to die.  It's not that there's a lack of compassion, it's merely there is no other route.  Homeopathic remedies, well chosen remedies can give another option - people who've had no chance to survive have been back in the fields 6 months later - working, supporting their families, alive-alive-oh.

Homeopathy for Health in Africa are working in Tanzania providing free care to patients and working within hospital settings as well as in rural clinics.  Their work is largely self funded and with help from donations. (Help me with my little donation here!) Challenges are many, determination is intense although I can only imagine the job satisfaction from cases such as this one:

Lady age 39
She is an upright proud and awake person, AIDS diagnosed  2006 but much longer, maybe 18 years.
Kids infected from her at birth
CD4 last year 340, ARV since 2006
Husband ran away when he found she is infected, she is very angry and sad about this (of course she got infected by him, he is now dead). Angry brother took away all their things after husband died (common in these situations, but deadly, this is stigma). Now the house is falling down no one take care of it.
No appetite, pain in under sternum, peeling lips.
Sleep is poor , worries about kids, there is no money to feed them.
Pain joints knees and elbows
Losing weight, used to be 68kg now 56kg.
Before ARV she suffered from diarrhoea, itching skin, eruptions and itch
Her vision is poor since AIDS
Feels very weak, tired legs so can’t work.
Headache temples and vertex
Occasional flu and malaria (flu can kill AIDS patients easily)
Has mouth fungal problem ulcer on lip,tongue black base white coating, chest tight with cough, chilly, back pain lumbar.
Dream in mortuary, washing dead bodies,dream chased lion and leopard, dream going to be marrie.
She would like to be like a lion strong and fast, if she was like that no one could hurt her.
She would like to kill her brother if she was a lion, for taking their stuff.

Remedy given.

Follow-up one month

Sleep much better, bad dreams gone
Eating better, weight up
She is feeling stronger
Continue remedy

Follow-up 2 months

Remedy helped a lot
They checked her blood and there is no virus!!!!!! Doctors baffled
Since then no malaria
Strong, can work better
Not tired any more, feels  very  strong, ulcer is improved.
Appetite much better, weight now 59 , up 3 kg.
Peeling lips better, joints better, vision is very much better sees very well, no mouth fungus.

This is just one case, there are many, many more. Few patients can afford the viral load test although CD4 results show vastly positive improvements, and, fundamentally, patients feel well, look better, are stronger and are able to provide for their children, bring in an income and enjoy life again.

Whilst I would love to visit the project really what I feel I need to do at the moment is assist a little with funds where I can.  I'm therefore doing an Olympic distance triathlon to fundraise.  I plan to raise at least £1k and would love it if you felt you could sponsor me.  Even if just every friend I have on facebook sponsored me just £2 I'd be nearly there... Please help with what you can:

With much love and gratitude,

Em x

Monday 22 April 2013

Running on luck?

I'm engrossed in reading 28 at the moment.  It's 28 people's stories of AIDS in their lives - healthcare workers, truck drivers, wives, children, army workers, nurses, doctors and lots more.  It's making me realise so many things about how lucky I am for so many reasons.  It's also giving me more insight into the world that Jeremy and Camilla Sherr (along with various volunteers) are living in every day.  And making a difference everyday.

I feel a little like my options to help are limited with what I can do from here in the UK so as a consequence of this I've decided to run my Olympic distance Triathlon as a fundraiser.  My aim is to raise £1k to help Homeopathy for Health in Africa carry out it's amazing work.

My warm up event went well and I really enjoyed it (I think on each of the event pics I've a huge smile and this was a fair reflection of the event) - maybe more pushing = faster = better triathlete but that was never the goal for me.  To complete, survive (in the opposite order of importance) and most of all to enjoy myself. I more than succeeded. And I plan to echo that with my fundraising mission too :)

If you can help at all I'd be so very grateful (and I know the project would be even more so).  It's such an overused phrase to say that every little makes a difference but it really, really does.  Just here to donate...

With massive love and gratitude in advance,

Em x

Wednesday 6 March 2013

One for the ladies

It's early days but I really didn't feel that I could keep this to myself.  

Can we talk periods?

In my job I get used to chatting about everything - periods, snot, poo, wee, blood, random strange thoughts, urges, desires, dreams and more that I don't think there's any topic that's really taboo with us homeopaths.  However if you're not OK to chat periods then probably best I see you next time.

I do think there's so many people out there who struggle with pain, bloating, discomfort, tension and worse.  People who dread the breast swelling, soreness, and their families who always know when it's 'that time of the month'.  The cravings for chocolate/chips/cheese/insert other unhealthy option that you know you 'need' then will feel worse for having eaten.

I've just finished my first month (5 days into month 2 now) on 100% high carb, low fat raw vegan foods after a two week transition period (funnily enough no pun intended but I'm leaving it there!) and aside from feeling great which to be honest people had warned me plenty of times about, I've also found that on raw foods you need to eliminate less waste from your body.  This can mean all sorts of different things - most people eating a high raw and definitely a 100% raw diet report less colds/viruses/flu like symptoms than ever before in their lives for example.  And the more I've read, the more I've discovered that the 5-7 day menstrual period that is generally accepted as the norm - is not, in fact neccessarily something that happens either.  If there isn't a build up of toxins and there are plenty of vitamins and minerals in your diet it would appear that heavy bleeding is unlikely, pain, unusual and PMT unexpected.

There's a fantastic article that I read today and would urge you to go and read.  I could replicate lots of the information but it's well written, if a little wordy, explains brilliantly - and besides there's lots on my list of things to do... so I'm going to go off and do them just as soon as I've highlighted this bit:

What has to change in the diet in order to eliminate menstruation? Foods which contribute to toxemia are no longer eaten. Foods which build health, and especially strong connective tissue, without taxing the digestion are the only foods eaten. The body is helped to eliminate toxic wastes built up over past years of poor lifestyle and diet. Without doubt, the hardest part of this change for most people is the first one. It means no more eating foods which sludge up or acidify the body. This means eliminating animal products - meat, fish, dairy, eggs -- refined sugars and salt, and dramatically reducing grain foods and even processed plant fats (oils). The diet essentially must become "true vegetarian", or vegan, with a predominance of fresh raw fruits and vegetables rather than cooked. In particular, the greater the proportion of raw fruit in the diet, the less likely you are to have periods.

"Women who eat a vegetarian diet containing mostly raw food experience only brief periods, scarcely noticeable, with hardly any loss of blood. Dr. H. G. Beiler in his book, The Natural Way to sexua| Health, explains that women experience troublesome periods only because of the toxic condition of their blood brought about by the high fat and protein Western diet." (5:298)

At least 50% and ideally more of every meal should be raw, and that eaten first. This is so that the enzymes present in the raw portion can help the body digest the whole meal, including the cooked portion.

 ... and given you the link for the article:

 Do have a look. It was eyeopening to me. And amazing that I've had 20 years of periods before I had any idea about this.

With love,

Em x 

There have been times I'm sure I could have eaten my body weight in chocolate.... not missing those days one bit!

Sunday 3 March 2013

Workshop 'Juices and Green Smoothies' a practical, hands on evening

Really excited to be preparing for my workshop on juicing and smoothies (including healthy, delicious green smoothies) and so looking forward to running the session.  I'm planning on making it as hands on as possible so whilst I've lots of information to share, recipes to suggest and general chatting to do, I'm going to have at least 2 juicers and blenders to play with (including my very lovely shiny new Vitamix... I've never made so many excuses to blend things before!)

I've spent around three years regularly making fruit and veg juices a part of my diet, sometimes juice feasting/fasting for a week or so and other times merely having a juice a day as a supplement to food or meal replacement.  I would say I never really 'got' green smoothies until this year or so but am totally, resolutely on board about the power of green smoothies, often as a meal replacement drink.  This works great for me as I'm often on the go and don't always want to have to sit and eat a meal but I know I'm getting masses of goodness and will feel full for ages.

So really my aim is to empower people to feel confident to make these wonderful additions to their diets and to achieve their goals.  If I can just start you off on the path to this I'd be really happy.  Do get in touch for more information if you'd like.

20th March 7.30-9.30pm in Embsay (exact location tbc).  £15pp including tasting sessions and a juice/smoothie to take away (please bring a flask).  To book call 07734 861297 or email

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Green Smoothies (banana free smoothies and workshop coming this way)

Green smoothies are simply awesome IMHO.  However for those people who dislike bananas you do tend to find that most of them use it or at least often find so.  So I thought it was time to share some banana free smoothies for people wanting to get started.

Smoothies are often mentioned as a weight loss tool and whilst I agree to some extent the can be used to this end, it isn't what I would consider their main potential by any means.  I feel they can be a great weight regulator.  They provide a brilliant way of getting vitamins and minerals into the body without having to sit and chomp through a lb of spinach, a pineapple, 3 bananas.  I think they're as valuable for anyone whether they be under or over weight, or at their ideal place to be.  And whilst we're on the weight thing - I think partly because you're satisfied with genuinely good food you're less likely to snack on 'bad' stuff.  Winning all round really.

Without further ado - a couple of smoothies I've loved for all the banana less than lovers out there:

2 cups pineapple, (about half a medium pineapple) cubed
2 mangoes peeled and pitted
1/2 avocado
4 cups baby leaf spinach
1 cup water

Put everything in the blender except for the spinach and blend until mostly blended, then add the baby leaf spinach and blend until smooth.

3 peaches
1 mango
4 cups baby leaf/spinach
3/4 to 1 cup water

Blend the peaches and mango with the water til nearly smooth then add the spinach and blend until smooth.

1 apple, cored
2 cups pineapple
2 cups kale or spinach
3/4 to a cup of water

Blend the apple, pineapple and water until nearly smooth - add the kale or the spinach (newbies I'd advise to start off with spinach and move onto kale once you're more used to green smoothies) and blend.

1 cup strawberries
1 mango
1 peach
1 orange
2 cups spinach
1 cup water

As before, blend everything except for the spinach until nearly smooth then add in the spinach and blend until deliciously smooth and yummy!

...and for more smoothie info I've a workshop coming up on the 20th March 7.30-9.30 on juices and smoothies - get in touch for more details.

Enjoy!  My last tip - unlike juicing there's so little to wash up but I do always try to wash the blender first then I can really relax and enjoy my smoothie with nothing (haha) left to do!!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Who wants to live forever?!

Anyone? Not me, I'm more than sure of that.  However I most definitely would like to live the rest of my time here in this body feeling vibrant, healthy, sexy, happy, well balanced (ish), ready to dance, laugh and love. Really, what I'm trying to say I guess is to feel as good as I possibly can.  I would argue that we're wasting an opportunity not to.

Each day is precious, none of us know what is around the corner (OK well maybe some clever intuitive magic types do but definitely not me) and each day is one that we'll never get back. So we could moan about how bad things are or we could get on and make them better.

Which was part of my motivation behind changing my diet. The other thing I became conscious of was that if I was told I was so unhealthy my time was more limited than I'd believed - how would I eat to try (and live) to change that.  Both questions led me to where I am today.  Day 12 of my high carb, low fat raw vegan diet. And I LOVE it!  I've just had my dinner which was 2 mangoes, 2 oranges and a banana.  It was fabulous. I started the day with a 4 banana, 4 cup spinach and cup of strawberries smoothie. It too was fabulous. And in between I snuck in a cucumber soup and large greens (and reds, pinks and orange) salad at lunch (both soooooo tasty!)

I struggle to see why or even how I ate meat previously when there is so much available nutrition in the fruits and veggies out there.  I can't imagine the satisfaction I used to get from drinking a glass of milk. Both seem crazy and so far removed from my current life.

The more I read about LFRV diets the more it makes absolute sense to me and seems to work in harmony so well with the teachings of Hahnemann* around diet (how come more than 200 years later we're still stuck on the same thing....?), and with my work on a day to day basis.  To feed the body what it needs, craves even (sugar from fruits), and to listen to yourself have to be far more aligned with our true purpose than any other way of eating.

I wish you a life filled with love to listen, laugh, learn, to discover, do and desire.

Em x 

*Hahnemann for non Homeopathic readers was the founder of Homeopathy and the following is from his Organon of Medicine:

Stanza 266 a
  Substances belonging to the animal and vegetable kingdoms possess their medicinal qualities most perfectly in their raw state. (1)
  (1) All crude animal and vegetable substances have a greater or less amount of medicinal power, and are capable of altering man's health, each in its own peculiar way. Those plants and animals used by the most enlightened nations as food have this advantage over all others, that they contain a larger amount of nutritious constituents; and they differ from the others in this, that their medicinal powers in their raw state are either not very great in themselves, or are diminished by the culinary processes they are subjected to in cooking for domestic use, by the expression of the pernicious juice (like the cassava root of South America), by fermentation (of the rye-flour in the dough for making bread, sour-crout prepared without vinegar and pickled gherkins), by smoking and by the action of heat (in boiling, stewing, toasting, roasting, baking), whereby the medicinal parts of many of these substances are in part destroyed and dissipated. By the addition of salt (pickling) and vinegar (sauces, salads) animal and vegetable substances certainly lose much of their injurious medicinal qualities, but other disadvantages result from these additions.
  But even those plants that possess most medicinal power lose that in part or completely by such processes. By perfect dissication all the roots of the various kinds of iris, of the horseradish, of the different species of arum and of the peonies lose almost all their medicinal virtue. The juice of the most virulent plants often becomes an inert, pitch-like mass, from the heat employed in preparing the ordinary extracts. By merely standing a long time, the expressed juice of the most deadly plants becomes quite powerless; even at a moderate atmospheric temperature is rapidly takes on the vinous fermentation (and thereby loses much of its medicinal power), and immediately thereafter the acetous and putrid fermentation, whereby it is deprived of all its peculiar medicinal properties; the fecula that is then deposited, if well washed, is quite innocuous, like ordinary starch. By the transudation that takes place when a number of green plants are laid one above the other, the greatest part of their medicinal properties is lost.