Wednesday, 6 March 2013

One for the ladies

It's early days but I really didn't feel that I could keep this to myself.  

Can we talk periods?

In my job I get used to chatting about everything - periods, snot, poo, wee, blood, random strange thoughts, urges, desires, dreams and more that I don't think there's any topic that's really taboo with us homeopaths.  However if you're not OK to chat periods then probably best I see you next time.

I do think there's so many people out there who struggle with pain, bloating, discomfort, tension and worse.  People who dread the breast swelling, soreness, and their families who always know when it's 'that time of the month'.  The cravings for chocolate/chips/cheese/insert other unhealthy option that you know you 'need' then will feel worse for having eaten.

I've just finished my first month (5 days into month 2 now) on 100% high carb, low fat raw vegan foods after a two week transition period (funnily enough no pun intended but I'm leaving it there!) and aside from feeling great which to be honest people had warned me plenty of times about, I've also found that on raw foods you need to eliminate less waste from your body.  This can mean all sorts of different things - most people eating a high raw and definitely a 100% raw diet report less colds/viruses/flu like symptoms than ever before in their lives for example.  And the more I've read, the more I've discovered that the 5-7 day menstrual period that is generally accepted as the norm - is not, in fact neccessarily something that happens either.  If there isn't a build up of toxins and there are plenty of vitamins and minerals in your diet it would appear that heavy bleeding is unlikely, pain, unusual and PMT unexpected.

There's a fantastic article that I read today and would urge you to go and read.  I could replicate lots of the information but it's well written, if a little wordy, explains brilliantly - and besides there's lots on my list of things to do... so I'm going to go off and do them just as soon as I've highlighted this bit:

What has to change in the diet in order to eliminate menstruation? Foods which contribute to toxemia are no longer eaten. Foods which build health, and especially strong connective tissue, without taxing the digestion are the only foods eaten. The body is helped to eliminate toxic wastes built up over past years of poor lifestyle and diet. Without doubt, the hardest part of this change for most people is the first one. It means no more eating foods which sludge up or acidify the body. This means eliminating animal products - meat, fish, dairy, eggs -- refined sugars and salt, and dramatically reducing grain foods and even processed plant fats (oils). The diet essentially must become "true vegetarian", or vegan, with a predominance of fresh raw fruits and vegetables rather than cooked. In particular, the greater the proportion of raw fruit in the diet, the less likely you are to have periods.

"Women who eat a vegetarian diet containing mostly raw food experience only brief periods, scarcely noticeable, with hardly any loss of blood. Dr. H. G. Beiler in his book, The Natural Way to sexua| Health, explains that women experience troublesome periods only because of the toxic condition of their blood brought about by the high fat and protein Western diet." (5:298)

At least 50% and ideally more of every meal should be raw, and that eaten first. This is so that the enzymes present in the raw portion can help the body digest the whole meal, including the cooked portion.

 ... and given you the link for the article:

 Do have a look. It was eyeopening to me. And amazing that I've had 20 years of periods before I had any idea about this.

With love,

Em x 

There have been times I'm sure I could have eaten my body weight in chocolate.... not missing those days one bit!

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